module Arith_status: sig
.. end
Flags that control rational arithmetic.
val arith_status : unit -> unit
Print the current status of the arithmetic flags.
val get_error_when_null_denominator : unit -> bool
val set_error_when_null_denominator : bool -> unit
Get or set the flag null_denominator
. When on, attempting to
create a rational with a null denominator raises an exception.
When off, rationals with null denominators are accepted.
Initially: on.
val get_normalize_ratio : unit -> bool
val set_normalize_ratio : bool -> unit
Get or set the flag normalize_ratio
. When on, rational
numbers are normalized after each operation. When off,
rational numbers are not normalized until printed.
Initially: off.
val get_normalize_ratio_when_printing : unit -> bool
val set_normalize_ratio_when_printing : bool -> unit
Get or set the flag normalize_ratio_when_printing
When on, rational numbers are normalized before being printed.
When off, rational numbers are printed as is, without normalization.
Initially: on.
val get_approx_printing : unit -> bool
val set_approx_printing : bool -> unit
Get or set the flag approx_printing
When on, rational numbers are printed as a decimal approximation.
When off, rational numbers are printed as a fraction.
Initially: off.
val get_floating_precision : unit -> int
val set_floating_precision : int -> unit
Get or set the parameter floating_precision
This parameter is the number of digits displayed when
is on.
Initially: 12.